Spiritual Stuff 01 - About Spiritual Chats
Title:  Setting You & Your Computer Up To Conduct Spirutual Chats
Date first written: January 7, 2002,  Date last updated: December 9, 2002
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.  My love you (anbu), my dearest and loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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Outline For About Spiritual Chats:

1.  The Shaikh Disciple Relationship - harvesting the crop
3.  How To Directly Participate In Our Spiritual Chats - by getting the AIM software
5.  About Chatting With Bawa - just do it
6.  About Being Patient In Everything We Do - the only way to be successful

Text for About Spiritual Chats:
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1. The Shaikh Disciple Relationship

The Spiritual Chats are Spiritual conversations between the Children of His Holiness, about the life and teaching of His Holiness, about the life and teaching of our Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him).

We are organizing them into lists, and we are in the process of putting together our first list.  Each list will represents a set of Spiritual Chats that have been put together by this child, by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), as he joins with his brothers and sisters, sitting at the feet of His Holiness, to study the life and teaching of His Holiness, in partnership with His Holiness.

We noted above, we are currently in the process of putting together the first list of Spiritual Chats.  In fact we just added our first Spiritual Chat to our first list of Spiritual Chats yesterday (January 7, 2002), after a beautiful conversation with our sister Rumi
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), using the IM or instant messaging capabilities of our two computers.  It was wonderful.

Afterwards, this child realized that this Spiritual Chat represented the harvest of the crop known as the Shaikh-Disciple Relationship between His Holiness, and His Children, and should be made available for all to read.  And such was born these Spiritual Chats.

(Note: since this paragraph was written in January 7, 2002, this child and Rumi Smith have had over 35 Spiritual Chats.  To read them all just click on the following:
Home Page - Spiritual Chats, which has the following URL or Web Address of: www.SpiritualChats.homestead.com)
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2.  Handling The References Provided Within The Spiritual Chats

Within each Spiritual Chat we have provided, when possible, a reference for any quotations that are used from the life and teaching of His Holiness, and in some cases, we have provided a pointer to the source documents for the quotation, if we have it within The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library.

For example, in the first Spiritual Chat we provided a pointer to a source document within The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library for the two quotations from His Holiness used in that conversation, that is, to the  book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani".  In this way, someone who reads this Spiritual Chat can access and read the complete text of the two quotations that were used.  Also, in the same way, we provided a pointer to a Spiritual Letter exchanged between this child and our sister Rumi.

We are able to do this when we have these source documents in The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen On-line Library, in this case, a book by His Holiness, and a Spiritual Letter from this child.  Such is the incredible value of building an on-line library for the life and teaching of His Holiness, as well as for the material produced by His Children.

As we get more source documents on-line, both from His Holiness, and from the Children of His Holiness, we will add similar pointers to them from within the material provided in the Children's Library, such as from within Testimonials, In-The-Room Stories, Wisdom Stories, Spiritual Insights, and Spiritual Letters. 

Please help us in this effort by sending us your material about the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and we will add it to the Children's Library. 

Or send us a transcript of any song or discourse given by His Holiness, or of any Chapter in any book by His Holiness not currently included in the Library, and we will add it to the Father's Library. Just E-mail it to us at, Muhaiyaddeen786@aol.com, or once you sign up with the AIM software, as described in the next section of this document, just send us the file directly.  That would be very good.
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3.  How To Directly Participate In Our Spiritual Chats

If you would like to directly participate in our Spiritual Chats using your computer, you can do so very easily, by installing the free AIM software for on-line Instant Messaging (IM) which includes the capability for setting up and participating in Chat-rooms.

All you need to do is access the following web site for a download of the AIM software and follow their simple instructions.  This child did it recently and it was quite easy and we did it all in a few moments.  The web address is www.AIM.com.  If you what to go there now, just click HERE.

The AIM software is part of the company, "Time Warner AOL", but you do not have to be using AOL to use it.  This is truly a Free Internet Instant Messaging Service and is available free to anyone who has access to the Internet, no matter what service you may use to get onto the Internet.

AOL has their own version of IM and Chat-room, as does Microsoft, that you get with their internet service, but the AIM service is much more powerful.  For example, you aren't limited to just people using the AOL or Microsoft service.  You can access anyone on the Internet who has installed AIM.  And AIM includes the ability to talk directly to people using your computer, as well as exchanging computer files.

If you have any question about setting it up, or just want some help, send me an E-mail and I will call you.  Include you phone number in your E-mail.  And we can Chat away, Spiritually that is. 

Also, once you have signed up, send me an IM or invite me to chat, my screen name for AIM is "MuhaiyaddeenLB", or "Muhaiyaddeen786".
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4. Selecting A Spiritual Name For Our Spiritual Chats

Finally, when signing up for AIM, try and use a Spiritual Name, like the name Bawa gave you, or one of the 99 Attributes or Names of God, like Rahman - the Most Merciful, or Rahim - the Most Compassionate. You don't have to use the same screen name you are currently using for your E-mail.  This child didn't.  You can pick a brand new name that is more appropriate to Spiritual Chatting. 

Click HERE to go to the book by His Holiness, the "Asma al-husna", that lists the 99 Names of God, and gives a brief description of each name.  Try and select a Spiritual Name from this list.  That would be very good.  Good for you, and good for all of us, who love you, who in truth are One with you, in the heart of our Shaikh.  The URL or Web Address for the book, by His Holiness, the "Asma al-husna"  is: www.The99NamesOfGod.homestead.com. 

Also, click HERE to read a beautiful description of the significance of the "Asma al-husna" to all lives, and especially to those on the path of God, as provided in the "Glossary" of the book by His Holiness, "Islam & World Peace: Explanations of A Sufi", page 146.

And if Bawa didn't give you a name, and you would like one from Him, then just ask Him for one.  It is just that simple.  Just be silent for a moment, and say, "Bawa - what name should I use".  And then listen with your heart.  Or say, "Bawa - is the name ( - the name that you like -) Ok?"  And again, listen with your heart.  It is really a little thing.  After asking Bawa in this way, then accept what feels right as His answer.
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5.  About Chatting With Bawa

It is easy talking to Bawa in this way, but you have to try, and believe that He is always right there with you, living in your innermost heart, just waiting for you to Chat with Him, just waiting for you to take any problem or question you might have to Him, just waiting for you to give up you life in this world of illusion within you, so He can open up your life in the Kingdom of God within you, just waiting for you to let Him finish what He has started within you, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within you, so God can finish what He has started within Him, which is to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within you. 

It is just this simple, my dearest loving brothers and sisters.  Give it a try.  Your soul will be very, very happy, and so will you. 

In this way, always remember that the more you talk to Him, to Bawa within you, and to God within Hm, the more you will talk to Him.  That is how it really works.  And the less you talk to Him the less you will talk to Him. 

Think about this truth a little, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, both young and old.  It is very important.
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6.  About Being Patient In Everything We Do

Finally, if the name you select is already in use in the AIM system, add the number 786 after it, or some other number after the Spiritual Name you have selected, starting with 1, or 01, or 001, then try 2, or 02, or 002, and so on, or add your initials to the end of it, as this child did, until you find a Spiritual Name that you like, that is right for you, that makes your heart peaceful, and isn't being used by someone else using AIM.

But don't compromise.  Be patient, and keep trying until you get the name you like, because when you start Chatting Spiritually On-line you will be seeing your Spiritual Name a lot, and so will we.  So, make it a name that reminds us of God, not of you, or of the world "outside" of you, and of us.

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

End of Spiritual Stuff 01
- About Spiritual Chats -

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This page was last updated on: June 26, 2004